The Average Cost of Bariatric Surgery

Are you considering bariatric surgery to improve your health, quality of life, and appearance? Deciding to have bariatric surgery is a big decision. You must decide if the benefits of a surgical procedure outweigh the cost and consult with your doctor to see if bariatric surgery is right for you and your health goals. When you decide if you want to go through with the procedure, you might be wondering what the total cost of the procedure is. Let’s walk through the average cost and why many choose this surgery.

Average Cost of Bariatric Surgery

The average price of bariatric surgery depends on several factors. The cost can fluctuate depending on which type of procedure you choose and can run between $15,000-$25,000. While this might sound like a lot of money, the good news is that most major insurance companies offer coverage for bariatric surgery. Your insurance company may consider you a candidate for a weight loss procedure if:

  • Your BMI is at least 35, with underlying health conditions
  • Or your BMI is 40 or greater, with no underlying health conditions

Qualifying for insurance coverage will reduce the average cost for bariatric surgery for you and limit out-of-pocket expenses.

What if I don’t have insurance?

Even, if you don’t have insurance, it doesn’t mean you can’t have the surgery. If you don’t have insurance, you have an exclusion on your policy, or you do not meet your insurance requirements, don’t worry! At Cernero, we offer financing options through our partners Care Credit and American Healthcare Lending. In addition to payment plans and cash-pay options, we can also provide non-surgical or medical weight loss programs as alternative options.

Why Bariatric Surgery is Worth the Cost

You might be wondering if the procedure is even worth it compared to the average cost of bariatric surgery. If you are considered a candidate for surgery, we promise you it will be worth every penny! There are countless benefits to bariatric surgery, including:

  • Reduced annual healthcare spending
  • Reduction in obesity-related health problems (diabetes, sleep apnea, joint disease, GERD, etc.)
  • Improved mental health
  • Improved appearance and perception

Not only will you feel more confident in your health, but bariatric surgery can also increase your happiness in your appearance and your self-confidence. If you are interested in discussing the average cost of bariatric surgery with Dr. Cernero, please contact us or schedule a consultation to bring you one step closer to changing your life!

Posted in: Bariatric Surgery, Weight Loss Surgery