Four Reasons to Choose Laser Body Sculpting

Sometimes losing weight seems like an uphill battle. No matter how healthy you eat or how often you exercise, the extra weight is still there. If you’ve been considering alternatives to losing weight, an option like SculpSure may be on your list. SculpSure is the newest laser weight loss treatment offered by Cernero Surgery & Aesthetics. The laser system uses heat to reduce fat in common problem areas such as the abdomen and love handles.

With plenty of weight loss options out there, it’s important to talk to a medical team to determine if SculpSure is right for you; however, there are many reasons why SculpSure is quickly becoming a first choice in medical weight loss.

  1. SculpSure laser body contouring treatments only take 25 minutes. That means you’re in and out of the office quickly, leaving you with more time to do what you love.
  2. SculpSure is a safe alternative to other medical weight loss options, like Liposuction. Laser body sculpting is FDA cleared and doesn’t require any anesthesia, so you’ll be awake the whole time.
  3. SculpSure laser body contouring treatments have no downtime. Other treatments like Liposuction have a longer downtime period, or even an overnight hospital stay. With SculpSure, you are free to leave and carry on with your daily activities after the short 25 minute treatment.
  4. SculpSure has over a 90% patient satisfaction rate. This indicates that most patients are satisfied with the results of their treatments and have achieved a reduction in weight loss.

With SculpSure, you don’t have to be dissatisfied with your body fat. Laser body sculpting can help reduce that stubborn body fat safely and efficiently.

If you’re interested in learning more about SculpSure and determining if it’s the right treatment for you, schedule a free consultation with Cernero Surgery & Aesthetics. Dr. Cernero will sit down with you and discuss your fat removal goals and the number of treatments needed to achieve those goals.

Posted in: Laser Body Contouring, Weight Loss